Inequality for All

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Social Issues
Inequality for All presents a powerful look at Robert Reich and his theories on the issue of the growing divide between America's rich and poor. Robert Reich is an economist, author, and educator who was U.S. Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton and who teaches a course on wealth and poverty at the University of California Berkeley. Since the mid-1980s, Reich has been outspoken on these issues; in his book Aftershock, Reich presents his argument that this gulf is slowly but surely wiping out the middle class, and will lead to an economic catastrophe if left unchecked. Filmmaker Jacob Kornbluth weaves this story featuring footage from Reich's lectures to students as well as interviews with the author and his conversations with Americans from many walks of life. The film provides disturbing evidence of the roles stagnating wages, growing personal debt, an economy based on consumer spending, and the decline of manufacturing are playing in the weakening of the American economy.